CHAKRA MEDITATION: Healing Karmic Blocks

BOOK SESSION: Book your private appointment with Spirit through Laura at

Do you sometimes feel like you just can’t get what you want in life due to circumstances?  Maybe you always lose at love, can’t find your soul mate, can’t lose weight or have chronic health issues?  Perhaps you are always stuck in the area of money or business.

CHAKRA MEDITATION on 5/19/14, 9pm ET, in the online Intuitive Playground, Law of Attraction Secret 3:  Raise Your Vibration with a complete chakra meditation clearing.  RSVP/Attend HERE

(After this date, The Intuitive Playground will continue Mondays at 9pm ET online, with a myriad of intuition for success subjects including Soul Purpose, Channeling, Clairvoyance and Mediumship.  RSVP/Attend HERE.) 

You keep meditating, affirming, staring at vision boards, but you always end up with the same thing.  No results.

English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar20...
English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar2000TM bio-energy sensor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


You probably need to heal your energetic field at a deep soul level.  Spirit has channeled through me a highly effective chakra meditation I use for removing karmic blocks completely.  It can be done on your own, using a video I created on same subject or in a one on one private or group session with me.

CHAKRA MEDITATION:  Healing Karmic Blocks.  This is how it is done. 

In an altered state I go through all the LOVE steps needed for intuitive healing.  We let go in meditation, open in prayer, vibrationally align and embrace what comes through.  Then I begin to “see” each chakra, reading its energy.  If done in a group setting I do not read the chakras but clear them.

I use color and breathe, inhaling that chakra’s color from front to back and then exhaling it from back to front to set it back to its correct vibration.  Then an affirmation is stated to set intention.

Each chakra has a unique vibration exhibited by its color.  Each chakra has a unique healed state, indicated by its affirmation.  When this healing is done the subject is cleared of karmic energetic footprints.

This kind of a healing is especially useful to heal karmic relationships in a one on one setting.  I “read” the information revealed in each chakra, some of which are soul contracts and past lives.  As this information is revealed, a deep widening of awareness is achieved bringing with it deep healing and releasing all its associated karma. 

This is followed by the color breathe, then affirmation.

CHAKRA MEDITATION:  Healing Karmic Blocks

To set up an individual session with Spirit Medium Laura contact her at 954 465 7338 or email or go to to set your session directly.  This healing usually takes about 30 minutes minimum.  If you have many issues you would need a full hour.


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