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Before I go into how to raise your vibration it might be appropriate to speak about why you would want to raise it.  The main reason is to feel happier.  Another important reason is you will be living in a miracle vibration where what you want and what you get start to become the same.  You live in the frequency of miracle consciousness and experience.

Wow!  That sounds astounding, doesn’t it?  Well it is not all that astounding.  You might have heard how earth has had and continues to have what is commonly called the Ascension.  This means that earth’s vibration has risen and the frequency of miracles has been increased. 

good vibrations

You are not limited by circumstance.  Rather what you envision for yourself if in alignment with a higher vibration (your soul) you begin to experience more and more.  You become a magnet of attraction.

HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION with L.O.V.E.   When you align with your soul you live in the frequency of miracles.

So how to raise your vibration is all about soul alignment, living as a spiritual being having a physical experience.  

Here are a few guidelines to help you raise your vibration to the level of your soul.

Let go of distress.  Start to pay attention to how you feel more often.  When something is not right, sad or makes you feel heavy that is a sign from your soul that you are out of alignment with it. 

Open your joy.  Pay attention to what feels joyful in your life.  What days are you most lively, sprite and have the most energy?    The events surrounding this happier feeling are the ones you want to start including in your life more often. 

Today I feel tired, sleepy and achy.  What did I do yesterday?  I ate too much Italian food and drank too much wine with it.  :)  I had a restless night, not able to sleep soundly as a result of this ingestion.   

Yesterday I felt great all day until I had that meal.  What did I do the night before yesterday?  I ate a very light dinner and went out dancing.  I had a marvelous time and slept like a rock all night.

Get the drift?  Feeling good is your soul’s way of telling you your vibration is higher.   Keep choosing those events and behaviors that make you feel great and your vibration starts to rise.

Vibrating higher on a regular basis is possible too.  It is important to keep adding into your life that which you love and makes you feel good.  Another thing you can do is meditation, perhaps even have a karma release meditation using your Chakras.  You can purchase a video which does which does exactly this for $24.11 HERE.


Some people like to use vision boards.  They are fine if you understand what to place on them.  Symbols of money and acquisition do little to stimulate a higher vibration or deliver results.

Better to place on your vision board a life where you are using your natural gifts and talents in service.  When you do this, you will find magical and miraculous things start to happen.  You will begin to experience little miracles on a daily if not hourly basis.  Your soul is beconed in this way to come support you in completing its purpose while on earth.  Therefore, you start getting support from a higher vibration which is miraculous.

Embrace these miracles.  They will come in the form of guidance from intuition, opportunities from synchronicities and destiny fulfillment from lucky coincidences.  Suddenly your are living at a vibration where anything is possible, even though the traditional way of three dimensional thinking would say is not.

Well, there you have it.    Some simple ideas in how to raise your vibration using the acronym LOVE.

If you would like support in reaching this state of miracle living just contace Spirit Medium Laura at (954) 465-7338 or  As well, you might want to join her mailing list at top right of this page.  When you do you will be forwarded to a FREE video which will teach you how to raise your vibration with soul alignment. 


Spirit Medium Laura



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