How Can An Empath Protect Yourself From Negative Energy

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How Can An Empath Protect Yourself From Negative Energy. Empaths are people who take on the energy of others through their highly sensitive nature.

I was not aware of how much of an empath I am until recently. I noticed (finally) after a day of client sessions I could not seem to shake feelings of sadness, loss and total devastation I picked up from one grieving spouse after a particularly grueling session.

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The work of being a psychic medium was “killing” me!

Because I realized this I decided to so some research on how to manage this better so I could continue to do this work and not get drained from it.

As I delved into studying this I realized many of my clients might experience the same thing in their life and not realize what is going on.

You might realize the value of having healthy boundaries, but perhaps you have not realized that at times the feelings you have were caught, much like a cold or flu, from someone else.

Having this idea I decided to write this short but hopefully valuable article.

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How to recognize you caught someone else’s emotional flu.

The main way to realize negative emotions might have been contracted from another is to become more vigilant in monitoring your feelings.

At times you might be sad, anxious, unhappy, but can think of no reason this should be from the situations you have been in.

Then take inventory of those you have been around. If you have been around someone who is suffering emotionally, there is a good chance you might have caught the “emotional flu” from them.

So after becoming more vigilant in self monitoring you need to begin a new practice of clearing your energy on a daily basis.

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Ways To Clear Your Energy to Immunize Yourself From Catching the Emotional Flu

Mindfulness. Become mindful of your feelings. Keeping a journal can aide in this process or simply taking time each day to “check in” with your feelings. Here is an article on “How to Start A Mindful Journaling Practice.”

Rest. Get enough rest. Make time for sleep, good solid sleep so every day you are ready to hold your energy up against the world rather than fold into someone else’s energy.

Diet. Eat a whole food plant based diet. According to Dr. Sinclair a Geneticist from Harvard this is the gold standard for maximum health.

Exercise. Get at least 30 to 60 minutes of elevated heart rate a day from some sort of movement you enjoy.

Flow. Observe a sunset, a sunrise, a flowing stream, waves on an ocean, wind in the trees, birds in flight, and other flows of nature. Connecting to nature will help you reset your vibration, returning you to you!

Love. Tell someone you love them! This will soothe you as much as it will positively affect them. If you do not have someone to say this to, say it to a picture or representation of someone or something you love. This can be very healing.

I tried saying “I love you,” to my sister and her husband. As well, I said I was grateful for having them in my life. This really shifted my mood to a higher vibration and a happier place immediately.

Grateful. Be and say “thank you” to everyone and everything!

Music. Experience music you love through listening, playing or dancing to it. I find dancing is particularly effective for me.

Sing. Singing is a very fast way to raise your vibration, thus reconnecting you to you. Even if you are not a great singer, doing it will make you smile for sure!

Fun. Go shopping, get a manicure/pedicure, make and eat a food you love, go to a party, watch a movie, etc.

Affection. Kiss your baby. Pet your cat, your dog or salamander. Borrow someone else’s.

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This is not an exhaustive list of ways to protect your energy from catching the emotional flu. We cannot avoid being exposed to other people’s toxic emotions, however, we can create and practice “happiness habits” which will serve us well.

Share Your Ideas in the Comments Below!

Why not add your ideas on how you protect your energy as an empath below in the comments!

Sending you much love at the New Year!

Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with spirit through Laura at

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