How to Make Yourself Happier

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How to Make Yourself Happier. You can expand your awareness to attain goals which will make you happier following these steps.

Table of Contents

Generalized Anxiety. (How to Make Yourself Happier.)

Do you have anxiety, or a feeling like things just aren’t right? Do you feel there must be a way to feel happier?

I have gone for a long time not knowing I was not happy. I was hiding truth from myself.

I was not aware that I was not happy. I was just pushing forward with this odd feeling of generalized stress under the surface.

Perhaps you feel this way too?

Then one day I happened upon a spiritual technology I had not seen or known about before called Access Consciousness.

It provides a way of removing charges around limiting thoughts and beliefs we have at the neurological level so we become freer to expand our awareness of self, identify what we truly want (not what we think we should want), and finally to begin the process of creating that.

Here is a video which illustrates How to Make Yourself Happier with a neurological shift!

It allowed me to access my subconscious mind. In so doing I was able to give my subconscious mind simple instructions as I drifted off to sleep to either manifest something or solve a problem.

I became aware using Access Consciousness that I did not have to live by limitations. I could realize goals that had seemed impossible to reach before.

It was a revolution of consciousness. (How to Make Yourself Happier.)

Today I share this with you.

These revelations will not make your life perfect but if you apply what I am about to share, you might find your life shifts. Here are some key categories of possible shift.

  1. You might have more clear, unobstructed joy simply breathing, taking a walk or lying down and looking around you. You might find joy in simply being alive.
  2. You might realize things you were doing that limited realizing goals, hidden beliefs that stunted your stepping into your power to achieve what you really want.
  3. You might get more in contact with what you really want and then find ways to achieve this.

If you have used Access Consciousness and want to share what happened to do add a comment below. Would love to hear from you.

One of the things I was struggling with was how do I ever stop trading my time for money as a spiritual counselor.

I love this work. It is like having a front seat to miracles and the grand divine, however, I know I cannot do this forever.

There will be a time when I will need to relax more, travel more or perhaps slip into the twilight years of my life.

How could this happen if I did not find passive ways to make money?

After using some free Access Consciousness tools I found online, all of this changed.

I began to see what I did not see before. I began to believe things were possible that I had failed at before.

I began to expand my consciousness, my awareness of self. This in turn started to place me in synchronicity with the rhythm of the universe, the universal mind, rhythm and the creation process.

Synchronicity increased as I stepped out of the cocoon I had hidden within to protect myself from seeing, knowing and being a greater, grander version of me.

Why do we create cocoons to hide within? (How to Make Yourself Happier.)

Now, that is a great question. I think it is to protect ourselves from failure, disappointment and hurt.

We hide so we do not get hurt.

Yet hiding hurts us!

It is the hiding that prevents us from knowing what we want, who we are and expanding our self expression to this vibration, this true self.

Are you hidden in a cocoon? Are you avoiding your truth because it seems impossible?

You truth is POWERFUL!

Your truth will unleash the divine consciousness expressing from you! This consciousness is limitless, creates reality and knows no limits.

You can defy the limitations of what you have been told, what you believe to be true and what you are suffering from.

Here are the tools I used. (How to Make Yourself Happier.)

Maybe they will offer you a shift.

Every day I would listen to the Access Consciousness Virtual bars video. Even though it is a compressed audio that sounds like aliens are visiting us, (haha), it really does seem to work, at least for me.

After listening to it I would feel in a better mood during the day.

The second video below is Access Consciousness Clearing statements. These two together shifted me.

You can actually hire an Access Consciousness practitioner to do these with you in a live session, take some classes and so on. I just used what I found on and got amazing results.

It is important to repeat these tools over and over again until you begin to see changes, so using some free tools can compliment this process cost effectively.

Oh, and they have an Access Consciousness energetic facelift (last video below). This is amazing too.

Learn more about Access Consciousness HERE.

Access Consciousness Virtual Bars

Access Consciousness Clearing Statements

Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift

Conclusion. (How to Make Yourself Happier.)

Step outside your silent toleration to realize a greater level of happiness in your life.

There is one tool I found Access Consciousness, which helps you do just that.

It unravels preset boundaries and limitations at the neurological level.  It helped me access my consciousness so I can now create new conditions in my life I was blocked from doing before.  

It expanded my consciousness.  This expanded my possibilities, beliefs and now I am successfully reaching goals I had, but had hidden from myself because I did not think they were possible.  


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at


1.  Access Consciousness Website.

2.  Access Consciousness review from neuroscientist.

3.  Access Consciousness Virtual Bars.

4.  Access Consciousness Clearing Statements for Money.

5.  Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift

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