CLAIRVOYANCE: Getting Guidance From Spirit

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CLAIRVOYANCE:  Getting Guidance From Spirit.
Yesterday I decided to ask spirit for guidance about going on a little trip to visit my sister in VT. I was hesitant to go due to some very fearful and huge reasons.

In a meditative state I said to my mother, father &., guides to show me .3 signs that I should go. I said what the signs had to be.

By 9:30am this morning ALL 3 SIGNS HAD COME IN to give me a yes.

If you don’t think spirit is listening, they are. If you don’t think spirit can communicate with us, they can. Give this a try to see they do.

This is a fun miraculous technique that works.

psychic tv (7)
psychic tv (7) (Photo credit: davnull)

Use it for big issues in your life, not small ones, as your emotional connection to the situation will amplify the response.

Later same day someone wrote to me on Facebook, with a Psychic Trust issue.
PSYCHIC TRUST. Always assume your psychic messages are correct, even if no validation is supplied. The more you do this the better your accuracy will get.

CLAIRVOYANCE:   It is fear of being wrong that blocks our messages. The more you trust the less fear you have and therefore the more you get.

Here is an interesting story about a lovely lady here on Facebook wrote me about a psychic detective experience she had. She got very strong messages, the same kind of messages she was used to having validated, yet in this case no evidence could be found to back up what she perceived.

This is what I said to her.

YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT EVEN IF EVIDENCE CANNOT BACK YOU UP. This is how I feel about psychic work and this is why.

First of all, I feel psychic detective work sets you up for disappointment because you cannot always get validation. Too many variables.

Therefore, you need to approach this with an attitude of your messages might not get validated, but that does not mean they are wrong.

You could have been right in many ways, but one thing could have been slightly off and because of that there could not be validation.

This has happened to me so many times. I have gotten used to it. THIS IS WHY I ALWAYS HONOR WHAT I GET.

The thing here to learn is always stick with what you get whether it can be validated or not.

MY EXAMPLE. This woman came to me for other side connection. Her loved one in spirit kept telling me about a photo of him in her bedroom she had. She denied it.

Finally she found it under a pile of clothes like I said. But it took weeks for her to even look and if she had never looked under that pile of clothes or missed it when she cleaned up even though it was there, WOULD I BE WRONG?

Of course not. So I just assume I am always right even if evidence is not found to back me up.

CLAIRVOYANCE:  The more you back yourself up the better you will get messages from spirit. This is for all those people who want a better connection to spirit, better messages.

The more you trust, the more you get.

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