Miracle Attraction Factor

Why are you not attracting what you think you want? This article goes into the reason and solution to align your thinking and behavior with your values.

BOOK SESSION: Book your private appointment with Spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com.

This post is based on a true story from my life.  One year of floundering after a brutal breakup, Noreen attracted a “soul mate” candidate within a week of using her soul note.   

Noreen was weary looking for Mr. Right.  She had ended a four year relationship a little over a year ago.  Feelings of anger still plagued her; however, she wanted to attract someone new. 

Every candidate she met seemed to be deficient in some way.  Either she was not attracted to him, or he was not attracted to her, had a fatal health or mental problem, was just coming out of bankruptcy, going into bankruptcy, was morally deficient, or had some other severe problem which precluded their getting involved. 

Her miss rate was so extreme her friends teasingly nick named her, “the attraction diffraction!”   

How could this be?  Are we not always attracting who or what we are inside?  The Law of Attraction says we are.  Yet she was attracting individuals in opposition to what she thought was her way of thinking, feeling and being. 

Noreen was actually resonating in opposition to what she felt.   She was not in alignment with her values, her “Soul Note.” 

One of the areas in which she was out of alignment was the anger she still held for her past relationship.  As well, she wanted a man who was slender and healthy, yet she routinely would “punish” herself with unhealthy snacks before bedtime. 

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Something needed to be done to align her behavior to her “soul note,” or value system.  When this would happen her external world would change. 

There is a technique to set your “Soul Note.”  When you have defined who you are in alignment with your values, then create a code for it, this note can be placed into all your manifesting work. 

You can place it on your vision board.  You can remind yourself of who you are during the day.  You can speak to the universe reminding it that this is your vibration and that you are now attracting like equivalents. 

So if, for example, you are overweight, yet your personal value system does not honor this, your soul note will help align you with behavior to attract the right weight for your body.

It is simply another manifesting tool. 

Here is how to set your “Soul Note.”

  1. Take a deep meditation for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Then take out some paper on which to write.
  3. Create three columns.  Title one, “Body,” one, “Money,” and a third, “Soul.” 
  4. In each column write your values.   In the body category list everything to do with your thinking and feeling about health, nutrition, exercise, weight, habits, sexuality and other physical values you have.  Do the same for “Money” and “Soul.” 
  5. In the “Money” category add in your values about work, educational level, thinking and mental faculty.   In the “Soul” category add your values about spirituality, religion, nature, animals, kindness and so on.
  6. Now go down each list. 
  7. Find the most important word in each list defining your value for that category.  For example, in the “Body” category you might find the word “holistic” because you believe in preventive medicine, nutritional supplements, exercise and nutrition.  Your letter for the “body,” category would then be, “H.”
  8. Take the first letter of this word.
  9. Combine it with the first letter of the salient words from the other two categories, forming a three letter code.  For example, your “Body” category word is “holistic,” so the letter for this list is “H.”   Your “Money” category letter is “S” for secure and your “Soul” list category is, “S” for spiritual.  In this case, your Soul Note or code would be HSS.
  10. Take this Soul Note or code and place it on your vision board, remind yourself of it daily and often like an affirmation.  “Universe I am an ‘HSS.”  This stands for holistic, secure and spiritual.  I am now attracting like equivalents.” 
  11. You will notice a shift in your life. 



After defining and using her Soul Note code for only a few days, Noreen forgave her past boyfriend for ending the relationship.  As well, she began paying attention to what she ate more, forming new habits which reflected her value for being healthy and right weight.    


A week later she attracted a “soul mate” candidate after months of floundering. 

It is easy to attract what you want and need.  One of the pitfalls is that we do not take a lot of time getting in touch with our essence.  We attempt to attract on top of a mountain of mental confusion, emotional blocks and unconscious diffraction.

Doing a simple exercise like defining our values can help us refine, polish and clarify our vibration so we can attract more effectively. 

Do it.  It works!


Note:  Laura is available for psychic spiritual counseling on the subject of attraction.  She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or email at PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com


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