Gautama Buddha Channeled: Peaceful Relationships

The road to peace in personal relationships is to honor yourself first. Know yourself and accept yourself. When you have done this peace will follow. You will be gentle in all things that you do. No one can harm or threaten you for your identity is as solid as the tree with deep roots.

Buddha consciousness is here.  I am Buddha Gautama the one who is whole and does the work of the entire school of energy that is called Buddha or Buddhism.

This is a general term which stands for all of Buddha, but I am the one they worship totally.


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I am here with you today to teach you to live better with other human beings. 


When there is conflict with another human there is a reason for this beyond just the conflict.

There is the meaning behind the conflict which is always soul purpose and what you really are on earth.

When another infringes on your boundaries it is more than that incident.  It is them infringing on your perceived purpose.

We say perceived because on earth everything is an illusion, not real.  So when you think you have a purpose that has been stunted or stilted by another it is because you have not fully evolved yet.

 No one on earth can have a purpose that takes away from another being’s purpose.  The reason is that all are one together.

Each individual soul consciousness is part of a bigger consciousness which serves everyone.  So to think some is against you or in opposition to you is a faulty perception and an illusion.

The next time you think someone has done something wrong, think again, for their wrong is your right and vice versa.

It is very difficult on earth to know the difference between common assertion and conflict.  Many people on earth think that when they assert their needs to another they are being assertive and that is a good thing.  We think differently in Buddha.

We think there is no such thing as common assertion.  Rather there is common purpose.  Align your purpose with everyone and everything and you will find that your purpose will be rewarded ten-fold.

It is not to be in agreement with everyone but rather to be in agreement with yourself.  When you agree with yourself no one can alter you.  You can be who you are without common assertion. 

In other words the tree does not have to assert itself.  The tree is the tree.  No one can alter the tree.  It is fixed and true to its nature.  What we are saying is that people think that their identity is being threatened and that is why there is conflict.

When you are truly yourself without question, when you truly know and accept yourself there can be no conflict.  There can only be compromise.

When individuals argue or fight they are doing so because they do not know or accept themselves.  It is ironic really.


Buddha giving the Sermon in the Deer Park, dep...
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They think they are fighting to do what is right.  Yes?


But they are fighting because they do not know what is right.  Just the opposite.

When you know what is right for yourself no one can threaten yourself or your boundaries.  You can be very kind and listen to others then make your decision.

You can honor them too. 

When you honor yourself you can honor others.

So the road to peace in personal relationships is to honor yourself first.  Know yourself and accept yourself.

When you have done this peace will follow.  You will be gentle in all things that you do.

No one can harm or threaten you for your identity is as solid as the tree with deep roots.


NOTE:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings,  mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching.    She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or


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