LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS: Getting what you really want

LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS:  Getting what you really want.

Are you having trouble attracting what you think you want and need?   This could be anything from developing your psychic gifts to attracting a new spouse to finding work you enjoy that pays well.

the law of attraction


ATTRACTION ENERGY PRINCIPLE.  If you are not attracting what you think you want, there is a part of you that really does not WANT this.  Very simple.

When I was younger I discovered by accident the “I WANT,” energy principle.  When I could really put my finger on what I wanted, versus what I thought I SHOULD have, it came to me almost instantaneously.

So if you can’t find a way to develop your psychic gifts, attract a new husband or find that wonderful way to earn money, maybe you really don’t WANT to do so.  Maybe you secretly believe when you get this something about it will be wrong for you!

THE POWERFUL “I WANT” PRINCIPLE.  Whatever the reason, if you are not getting what you desire, it is because you truly do not WANT it.

LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS:    Here is a quick and simply exercise to discover what you want. 

Go into a deep mindful meditation for at least 5 minutes.  Take out your journal.   Write down all the reasons you do not want what you think you want.  What would happen if you got it? 

Say, you think you want a loving committed relationship.  As you start this exercise you discover, “Heck, if I had a relationship, I am afraid I would not be able to get a good night’s sleep because my ex-husband snored every night and kept me up.” 

Or you might think if you had a committed relationship, you would have to conform to your mate’s sleeping schedule and you really, really like staying up to 4am eating ice cream and watching your favorite recorded TV shows.  This hidden fear list could go on and on.

You might need to keep doing this exercise over and over until you finally do clearly define what you really do want.  YOU WILL KNOW YOU ARE DONE WHEN YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT!

LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS:   When you discover ALL  your hidden notions, simply restate what you want.  “I want a husband who I can sleep with every night in peaceful, calm, delight and who won’t prevent me from watching my favorite TV shows when I want while I eat ice cream.”

Have a great day all. 


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