Free Report: The Secret To Luck

L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow:  Insights To The Law of Attraction

Have you been trying to get the Law of Attraction to work for you by manifesting but all you’ve come up with is “ring around the collar?” There once was a TV commercial about a housewife who feverishly tried scrubbing out the ring of dirt around the collar of her husband’s shirt. However, no matter what she did, she still came up with ring around the collar! This is a bit comical, but illustrative nevertheless.

The same analogy can apply to The Law Of Attraction. Have you been trying to get what you want, but it just doesn’t appear, no matter what you do?

You’ve tried creative visualization. You feel great right after you have done it, but what happens later? Well, you look up and you see the same old stuff around you.

Maybe you have a vision board. Same thing happens. Feels great but nothing happens. How about Hypnosis, or EFT, or Huna energy work, or Feng Shui or Buddhist chanting or whatever! You’ve done it all, but for some reason you are stubbornly stuck exactly where you were before you got started!

Well, maybe the universe is trying to tell you something.

There are two approaches to getting what you want in life. One approach is ego driven, left brained. I want something. I do this and that, and then I get it. Usually this is a manual process; where you actually work very hard to get what you want. Even if you think you are using the Law Of Attraction manifesting techniques, the actual process of getting what you want is effort.

Oh, you’ll get it if you work for it, or exchange some energy for it, but as soon as you stop the tremendous effort you used to attain your goal, it starts to dissipate.

Then there is the LOVE way. It is sort of holistic, organic, if you will.

You stop trying to get what you want. You relax into yourself and start encouraging your true feelings about what feels right to you. YOU START TO FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGS.

Sounds revolutionary?

Well, it is. We are NOT trained to follow our feelings. Think about childhood. Were you told in school to go play or were you forced to sit in a chair and follow the itinerary? Were you told when you got older to get a good job that paid well, or were you told to go back packing around the world? How many of us were encouraged to follow our feelings, our heart, the nose in front of us, what we love?

Do you love getting up early every morning to run to your job? If you said yes to this you are in the minority. Most of us stay where we are because we do not know what else to do to earn money to sustain ourselves on earth.

It is a little scary to just start to actually be yourself instead of working to bring home a good salary. You might hate your boss, your job or what you do for a living, but you stay there because you believe you will not be able to pay your bills unless you do so.

Some of us are so numb to this we do not even realize we are empty, suffering or unhappy. We hide our feelings in addictive consumption of something.

Think of the movie “The Matrix.” Those that lived in the matrix were living in the mass hypnosis of a digitally contrived reality. If they felt something was missing, it was. Do you ever feel like you can’t wait for the work week to end so you can really begin to live your own life?

Cover of Matrix-Trilogy [Blu-ray]

What I am talking about is the UN-Manifesto.

Interestingly enough the word manifest starts out with the syllable, “man.”

What is “man” energy?  It is the active energy, not the passive receptive energy. It is usually left brained, cognitive and seemingly powerful.  Ironically enough, we are now living in an age where power can only be accessed by shifting to the feminine receptive energy.

To begin to access the power of this energy is very simple. Acknowledge what feels right to you then take action to support those feelings.

The more you do this, the more your magic will start. The universe is waiting for your energy to shift from pushing to loving. Take the leap.

You will soon find that you begin to attract more of what makes you feel good, more of what you need in a loving fashion. Get the point?

The Law of Attraction in action begins with you. The more you become your soul, the more powerfully you attract in a pulling, not pushing fashion.

Be your bliss and attract more bliss.

Rubbing The Genie Lamp – Is It Magic or Manifesting?

Have you been trying to “get” things in your life?  You rub and rub that magical manifesting genie lamp only to find your hands are getting blistered, not bestowed upon.

There are many ways to manifest.  I have been manifesting since I was twelve years old.  My mother, a lifelong metaphysic practitioner, taught me a method from the secret order of the Rosicrucian’s.  As soon as I began to practice what she taught me, achievement became my game.

I began to study and practice different methods of manifesting.  Some of the tools I used included “Creative Visualization,” by Shakti Gawain, audios by Stuart Wilde, Silva Mind Control, books by Catherine Ponder, books by James Fillmore, “The Game of Life and How to Live It,” by Florence Scovel Shinn, “Creating Money:  Keys to Abundance,” by Sanaya Roman, Eric Butterworth, vision boarding practice, books and classes, Unity, the two year training program from Center for Spiritual Living (formerly Church of Religious Science), etc.  By the time Abraham Hicks material came out I had been manifesting for over 30 years!

Even my father believed in using the power of the mind to create success.  He influenced me with “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill and other such books.  “There is nothing in the world you cannot attain,” he would tell me.  “You should always set your sights high, because if you do not, you will only attract mediocre results.”

The result of this “Petri dish” of a life experiment was achievement.  I was an excellent student, achieving straight “A’s.”  “Getting” things or manifesting became my life’s theme.

Finally after many years at the hard labor of an honest effort I was able to retire early as a minor millionaire.  Ironically enough, my true gifts as a highly intuitive, sensitive and creative person were over looked for this more external achievement.

I had money and thought that was all that mattered.  Little did I know the next few years would expose my inner bankruptcy.

My marriage, money, mother and ability to manifest were taken from me during the next five years.  No matter how much I tried to manifest prosperity and love back into my life, an inane parade of failure parried me.

During this time I began to pray.  Manifesting, of which I was such an expert, evaded me, so I decided prayer was all I could do.  As I began to surrender to my fate in prayer, asking for wise help, I had a brilliant inspiration.

“What if all of this was not failure?  What if it was a lesson, a more powerful one, about how to achieve your heart’s desire, not your ego’s fancy?”

I thought I had achieved much, but after it was all stripped away what did I really have?  Who was I?  What were my gifts and talents?  Was I using them to serve anyone or anything?

These questions haunted me until I was left with no other choice but to come out of the spiritual closet in which I hid and begin using my innate talents.

I began to do readings for people using a natural, inherited gift I had discovered over 25 years ago when I spontaneously began channeling my spiritual guides.   I did not even have to try or study.

The more I offered up to the universe the promise I would serve with my gifts and talents, the more abundant opportunities came to me.

Ironically, I was not about the money.  I was about the service.  I craved to use what I had inside of me in productive service to others.  My strongest dream was to help others release the power of their bliss, birth their miracles, by living authentically.

The first step to releasing your miracles is to define them.  What do you “really” want in life?

The most important aspect of “real magic,” is to live in accordance to your inner truth, what you really LOVE.

When you are living in accordance with what you love, you are living as your soul.  Your soul has spiritual power to it.  It is supernatural.

When you unleash this supernatural power, your life will take off like a magic carpet ride!

The Science Of Luck

Did you ever notice some people seem to LOVE through their life with the “wind in their sails.”  Things sort of just open up for them.  They need something.  It appears.

They meet their lifelong love partner in a lucky coincidence.  They know what they want to do for a living and start their career early.  They get into the right field for their talents.  They marry their soul mate.

Being lucky is a science, not a mystery.  You follow the steps and you get predictable results.

However, being lucky is mystical, or supernatural.  Luck has something to do with living in attunement to your inner self.  Some might call it your soul.

So luck is a blend of that which is mysterious or unexplainable, yet can be duplicated with the proper steps.

You can actually do things that will increase your luck.  For example, when you work very hard at something you open up your intuition.  You might find you just “know” the answer and it turns out to be correct.

There is something about engagement that brings on luck.  When I was in seventh grade I decided I wanted to do well in school.  I engaged in the process of applying myself.

Oddly enough, when tests came around, I did know a lot of the answers, because I studied those subjects.  However, there were times when I did not know the answer.

In each of these cases I would get quiet and “sense” the right answer.  I believe this is because as I was engaged in the process of education, I became more attuned to the energy of it.

This attunement made me more intuitive.  This intuition made me luckier.  Yes, luck is a science, but a mystical one.

Some basic principles of luck:

  • Let go of worry.  Lucky people do not worry about things.  They see everything as “good” even when things are bad they look for the good in them.  The more you do this the greater your chances of attracting more good.  Lucky people do not worry.
  • Open to their “Secret Dream.”  Lucky people do what they love with their lives.  They choose a life of loud exultation, rather than of quiet desperation.  Lucky people are authentically true to their essence, which houses their secret dream.
  • Vibration alignment.  Luck attracts to those individuals who give of their gifts.  If you know what you love to do and then do it, you will attract luck.  Lucky people are immersed in the energy of their essence and then become lucky.
  • Entirely receive.  When you are in the process of living authentically, you will be led.  You will get signs, symbols, intuitive hunches and lucky opportunities.  Lucky people act on these coincidences having faith that the world is good and their future is fine.

Interestingly enough the above four letters spell the word LOVE, which is the acronym for the “L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow.”

If you are impatient like I am, you may skip to the end of this chapter to read a summary of the miracle method steps.

L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow Is The Secret To Luck

“L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow, 4 Steps to Real Magic,” is a NEW Law of Attraction manifesting system required for prosperity in the Ascension revolution.  It is the secret to luck. Tap into it and watch your miracles begin!

By using the principles of L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow system,

  • My income went up 400% in four months and continues to rise,
  • One client received a benefactor for her failing business within 5 days of her first session,
  • One client got an $18,000 raise and promotion after one session and
  • Another met a “soul mate” candidate within three sessions!
  • Improve your luck.
  • Attract success in business, love and life.
  • Update your manifesting for ascension energy.
  • Activate the magic of your life purpose.
  • Express your power, authenticity and charisma.
  • Ride “the magic carpet” of serendipitous synchronicity.
  • Increase your intuition.
  • Increase your creativity.
  • Open your dialogue with heaven.
  • Enjoy more peace, security, bliss, joy and happiness, living in the arms of a higher power.
  • Improve your mood and outlook.
  • Lessen anxiety and stress.
  • Support the healing of substance abuse and eating disorders.

Would you like to?

Well, then learn how to L-O-V-E!  (Let Go, Open Up, Vibration Alignment, Entirely Receive)

LOVE stands for Let go of control, Open to your secret dream, Vibration alignment with this dream and Entirely receive your intuitive leads.

This entire E-book is about the LOVE process.  It was highlighted above.  It will be further summarized at end of this chapter and explained through the book.

If you follow the steps of LOVE you will learn how to FLOW.  FLOW is the “real magic” of the L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow.  Learn how to LOVE and watch your FLOW of magic begin.

I was born into a family of psychics but never intended to become one.  Instead, I spent most of my adult years running after money and outward success.  I achieved my first marriage after the age of 45 and was a self made millionaire by the time I was 49 using advanced manifesting techniques.

However, after losing my marriage, money and ability to manifest, I discovered “LOVE” was in charge, not me.

L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow out trumps manifesting and everything else you might use to get lucky in life.  Why?

Because LOVE is in charge, not you! LOVE is the spiritual energy you travel through in life.  You access LOVE by learning how to live intuitively.

This is NOT LOVE

Here is a little story about LOVE and the lack of luck.

A little while ago I had promised my sister I would meet her at the Goldcoast Ballroom, a local place where skilled Latin and Ballroom dancers gather to practice their craft.  As I labored to pull myself away from working, a phone call came in from a desperate client.

Before I knew it, I had lost two hours from my planned schedule.  As I contemplated whether I should still go to dance, I had the following dialogue with myself.

“If you don’t go, your sister will be disappointed.  You never make good on your promise to go dancing, therefore you are not a person who can be trusted at your word.  Your body needs a good workout because you are getting fat and finally, you are forgetting how to dance!”

I am laughing out loud just thinking about this negative self talk.  Guilt, guilt and more guilt.

I forced myself to get ready, even though my eyes hung dreary from fatigue.

By the time I got dressed, it was even later.  If I did not rush, my friends would have left, so I quickened my pace.

As I got off the turnpike onto a local street, my accelerated speed continued.  Within thirty seconds a police car clocked me and I had a speeding citation.  It cost me the equivalent of two days of work!

When things are not “loving” it is not worth going.  Got the picture?  The police officer certainly did when he clocked me.

Pain Makes Miracles?

I mentioned above I lost what I had manifested and worked for my entire life.  This resulted in pain.

A year before this book was written I reached the pinnacle of this pain.  I was in such pain I thought dying would be preferable to living.  Living required I take action.  I was so lost I did not even know what action to take, even if I had the energy to do so.

After about ten years of struggling with failure, I died.  I did not die physically.  I died in spirit.

I helplessly drifted into an abyss of despair, not knowing what to do, who to turn to or how to get back to being “normal.”

The abyss proved medicinal.  It brought me back.  That is how this material came to being.

After years of studying and applying Universal Spiritual Laws of Prosperity in my own life, I hit a brick wall.  Everything I had worked for financially my entire life evaporated.  My fiancé left me in this time of need.  My health deteriorated into a crippling depression.

This crisis was designed by my soul, I believe, so I would be forced to gain new insight to working with spiritual law.  This insight is called L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow and it is the “missing link” to real magic.

L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow is easy, but not effortless.  It requires work, but not hard work.  When you are following your gifts and choosing to invest in what you love to do your luck is automatic.

This is true for finding the love of your life as well.  The more you polish up your unique vibration, the more you will attract your right equivalent.

I have found the harder I work at what I love, the more love I give, the luckier I get.  The saying, “God helps those who help themselves,” could not be truer.

If you are looking for someone to do it for you, this material cannot help you.  The reason is no one can do the work for you or me or anyone else.  We are all put on earth to swim.

That was my “aha” moment as I sat in the abyss.  No one was going to do it for me.  No one could.   When I finally came to terms with this, I realized, “if it is to be it is up to me.”

I was so intimidated by this thought I felt like I wanted to die rather than take action because I DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.  All choices seemed equally as impossible.

However, in the end I did take action.  It did not matter what action I took.  It was important I simply take some action.  When you take action, you ignite the power of LOVE engine.  If you snooze, you lose.

Do not worry about doing this perfectly.  If it does not feel right just put it aside.  If and when it does make sense to you and you feel motivated that is the time that is right for you.

Now to the good stuff.

Some More About L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow

Since I have been following the techniques in this system I have received several miracles in my own life.

Here are some further demonstrations:

1.       As mentioned above, my gross business revenue increased four-fold in four months.  Every day it is getting stronger and increasing.  In addition, the first two L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow clients attained their miracles in a short time.  One received a raise for $18,000 and the other met a soul mate candidate.

2.       I received an offer to renovate my home for free.  All I had to do was buy the materials and my generous benefactors provided the labor for me!

3.       I received two significant gifts of “found” money.

4.       A relationship healing I asked for began happening.

5.       I failed at a large event I was doing and lost an important business liaison!

You might be wondering, “Ha?  Did you say what I thought you said?”

“Yep, I did.”  I wanted to get your attention, but that did really happen.

When you get to the point in life when you see everything in your life as “good,” you will have aligned with “L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow.”  The more you align with your “L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow,” the more miracles are going to appear before you.

Getting into “L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow” is more than faking a happy smile about everything.  Have you ever noticed some “New Agers” going about acting like Ms. Pollyanna Positive?  Whether they feel it or not they will make everything seem positive.  It’s almost like they are in denial.

Denial will get you nowhere, except stuck.  You need to acknowledge when you feel something whether it be good or bad, but still be grateful for it!

It is like leaning into everything as if it were a beautiful lake you are swimming through.  The more you swim, the more you will flow in LOVE.  The more you flow in LOVE, the more you will be led to follow the energy your soul has prepared for you in this lifetime.

This energy has power.  It is miraculous.  This energy is synchronistic.  It allows your destiny to unfold.

Finding Love With The L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow

My sister spent many years trying to find love.  Our father did not want her to marry her first love because she was too young, so she didn’t.  She searched for many years to finally find a husband, but he died young.

She was left to care for their two sons alone.  For about twenty years she tried to find true love in many rude substitutes.  Finally after her last failed relationship she said to herself, “I am going to stop trying to conjure up love.  I am going to simply surrender to my destiny.  If I am meant to be alone I will enjoy my life anyway.”

It is important to emphasize what happened at this point.  My sister stopped trying to find love.  She stopped answering personal ads, asking friends to “set her up,” and evaluating the latest male candidate in her life for commitment and mating.

She decided instead she would simply enjoy the process of living.  She began to LOVE.

Four months later while she was out socializing, she ran into a man.  It was the man she had loved many years before, whom our father did not want her to marry!  They started dating and now have been married for almost ten years.

When you stop trying to manifest, align with your heart, get at peace with what is in your life, you will find your life will have a sort of energy to it which leads you along.  This energy is miraculous and magical.  It is called LOVE.

L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow Summary

The steps to release your miracle magical luck are defined in the acronym “LOVE.”

What is love?   LOVE is a state of being connected to the simple bliss of the moment.

Love is laden with bliss, dripping in it, overwhelmingly nestled in it.  When you are experiencing bliss or joy, you are in the love vibration.

There is something innately magical about living in the love vibration.  Love is present, prescient and powerful.  Love is the infinite place from which miracles arise.  It is not competitive or outcome oriented.  It simply is.

When you learn to live in the nonresistant state of LOVE you will flow smoothly from one moment to the next in a magnetic field of attraction.   This is The L.O.V.E. Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow.

You will live in a highly intuitive state.  Your dreams might start revealing the next step you should take in your life.  You might get a hunch to do something, follow it and find out it was the right action to take.

Manifesting is smooth in the now.  It is more like magic than manifesting, because the now is LOVE.  The now is your soul speaking to you.  The now is the Tao (pronounced Dow) or flow of the universe.

How do you enter the “Tao of now?”

L = Let Go of Control. Spiritual Law of Non-Resistance.  Gratitude/Forgiveness lists. Be in gratitude and forgive until it becomes automatic to relax into your life like everything is wonderful, not just the good stuff.   You begin to see who you really are and what you really want, but were too tied up in trying to control everything (being upset) to realize.  As you learn how to let go you begin to flow into your destiny.

O = Open to Your Secret Dream. Spiritual Law of Destiny.  Your secret dream is hidden behind the biggest problem you have in your life.  Your desired miracles are the panacea to this problem and your secret dream.

When you surrender to this dream you begin to flow into the powerful current of who you really are and what you really want.  Your path emerges.

Spirit will release the power of your secret dream with your miracle list.

  • Miracle List. Miracles are the essence driven soul note dream you have for your life.  Miracles have the volcanic power of the super conscious mind of God behind them.  Goals are ego driven material, money based and date driven.  They do not have spiritual power to them.
  • Soul Note (Secret Dream):
    • Create three separate lists.  One for Body, Money and Soul.
    • On each list put what your values are for your body, money and spirit.
    • Find one word to summarize each category.
    • Take the first letter of each word.
    • These three letters are your soul note.
    • Use these letters on your vision board,
    • You can have these letters printed onto custom wearable art you make or purchase for added impact on your vibration. Website here:

V = Vibration alignment. Spiritual Law of Attraction.  Spiritual Law of Vibration.

  • Violet Flame.  Align your consciousness with the miracle of your soul by invoking the Violet Flame meditation.  Release all karma past, present and future.  Move to the miracle of 5D reality.
  • Vision Board.  Create your miracle vision board. Put your miracles on a FREE video vision board ( and watch it every day after doing a Theta meditation.  This is one from which uses Solfeggio miracle vibration excellent for this work: .  Now that you are aware of what you want from a soul level, you place these miracles on a video vision board, using your Soul Note code to amplify your attraction.
  • Give to Get. Spiritual Law of Compensation.  Give of your gifts in service to get.  Have the courage to give of your gifts and you will find the universe will return to you the miracles.  The entire process above is to awaken your authentic self so you will know what you love to do and then have the courage to do it.  Great book on this is by Russell Simmons, called “Super Rich.” Purchase it at this link:
  • Go to Process. As you align you get busy living your secret dream now, without regard to outcome.  This keeps the ego occupied with doing things, rather than running things.

E = Entirely Receive. Spiritual Law of flow.  You get lucky!   Follow ALL the signs and symbols that appear since you have everything in place to receive your miracles.  As you begin sending to the universe your soul note, the universe responds in turn with lucky coincidences, little miracles, signs, synchronicities, and intuitive hunches.  Your life becomes miraculous

  • Intuitive Development. The more you live in the non resistant open state of LOVE, vibrationally aligned to your soul dream and receiving entirely the more your guidance will flow to you.  Just follow it!

Stay tuned for the next chapter where we go into more detail about how we Let Go.

Go on to read the rest of “LOVE Your Life:  Awaken Your Abundant Flow,” now!   Over 80 pages of wisdom that works!  Purchase the e-book here: