SPIRIT MEDIUM: Prepare To Get The Most From Your Reading

You affect the quality of your reading as much as the psychic.  Here are the steps to prepare for both mediumship, as well as, any other type of psychic session.

This page is broken into three parts.  1.  What’s a Session like?   2.  How you can L-O-V-E your session, 3.  Future Predictions, Blocked Answers; and, 4.  Accuracy.

1.  What is a Session Like With Psychic & Spirit Medium Laura?

Laura starts a session with a meditation, prayer and energy connection.   She works directly with advanced spiritual beings from higher frequencies, even during mediumship sessions.  She does not use tools.

2.  How to L-O-V-E Your Session

  1. L = LET GO in a QUIET, MEDITATIVE STATE beforehand.  If you are nervous, jittery and jumping around after 3 Cafe Lattes, you will not get a good reading. You have to be open and relaxed to get good information from spirit.IN PERSON READINGS.  If you are driving to an in person appointment arrive a few minutes early to relax in your car before your session.  (Please do NOT knock on door of reading location early, as medium is either working with someone else or preparing for you.)

    PHONE/SKYPE READINGS.  If you are at home or work, please find a comfortable location from which to receive your reading before the call is made to you.

    L = Let Spirit lead

    1. Allow the information to flow from spirit.  DO NOT TRY TO CONTROL YOUR SESSION.
    2. Spirit chooses the souls who are brought in.
    3. If you let spirit lead you will probably connect with the soul you desire.
    4. Example of not letting spirit lead is having ANY EXPECTATION such as a specific name or way to identify your loved one from spirit (spirit will get their message through using tools they have available, so you have to be flexible), trying to get answers to physical problems like probate issues, hidden money, lottery numbers or lost objects, trying to call someone in by a name or other “tricks.”

    L = Let Go of Grief.  Please wait until after grief period (3 months to 1 year for most people) to seek mediumship.
    L= Life & Spirit Medium Sessions!  Laura does psychic life readings, spirit mediumship, psychic remote viewing, medical intuition, soul healing, aura/chakra reading and many other types of psychic services.  All can be combined into one sitting.   Services described on first page of this website HERE.

  • Prepare Your Y or N questions (for life readings, not for mediumship services).  These Y or N questions do not limit your answers.  They organize the session, save time and connect us psychically.  As well, they prevent you from revealing too much to me.  So please prepare all your questions for spirit in a yes or no format.
  • Do NOT reveal information unless asked.

2. O= Open, Focus and Accept.

  • OPEN.  Please be open to get the best session possible!
    • Names could be of anyone alive or passed.
    • Write down what you do not understand.  It usually does make sense later.
    • Be prepared for mistakes.  No psychic is 100% accurate.  The more open you are the better your session.  If you keep looking for what is wrong, the pipeline for the information gets narrower and narrower until nothing comes through.
  • FOCUS during your reading.   You are as much a part of the reading as the psychic is!  So many people do not know this.  You need to focus on the reading.  Fiddling Will Fritter Your Reading.One person was fiddling with a fan in as I tried to read for her during a recent radio show.  Needless to say, as I kept trying to connect with her, I got a BLANK!   Then as we continued with her reading the phone line was literally cut!
  • ACCEPT what is presented.  Spirit may be bringing in something of which you are not yet aware.  If you  accept and allow the information to flow, you will get more information.  If you do not, you will close down the pipeline.

3.  V= Validate:  All psychic advice is to be taken at your own discretion and should be validated by an appropriate licensed professional.

4.  E = Enjoy your session!


FUTURE PREDICTIONS are probable, and are subject to your decisions.

Please do NOT ask me to do Fortune Telling.  Readings with spirit are healing and growth oriented, empowering you to make decisions BASED ON LIKELY FUTURE OUTCOMES, not to get a “quick fix” from fortune telling.

BLOCKED ANSWERS.  Please be prepared for the fact that spirit doesn’t want you to know everything.  Some answers may literally be blocked from you because you are supposed to make decisions, grow, take risks and figure some things out yourself.


Laura does everything in her power to be highly accurate (listen to her readings on radio show and check testimonials here).  For example (1)  She carefully validates psychically perceived facts before making any predictions or projections.  (2) She at times uses a “blind” reading method she created called “SoulTalkMagic,” which can deliver answers directly from spirit, without any influence from you or her.

Here are some facts about accuracy.   (1).  As mentioned above, all future predictions can change due to free will (2)  Psychic perception is by its nature subjective, creative and imperfect, (3)  Accuracy can be denied even if presented  because at times we hear what we want to hear, have psychic amnesia or even reject what is given because our consciousness is not ready to hear it.

This is why you are paying me, the medium, for my time, not what you believe is accurate.    I sincerely hope from the stories above you can understand why.

If you are concerned about accuracy, schedule a 15 minute paid appointment to “test” the connection.   As well, you can further evaluate Laura before booking your appointment by listening to her giving live readings on her radio show and reading client testimonials on this page.

Looking forward to working with you on the marvelous discovery of your light, power and magnificence!

Laura Mendelsohn
(954) 465-7338

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