CLAIRVOYANCE: Intuitives, The Highly Sensitive Person & Sleep

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CLAIRVOYANCE:  Intuitives, the Highly Sensitive Person & Sleep

Why do I need so much sleep? I feel great if I get about 8 – 10 hours of sleep a day.

Yikes! Makes for a difficult life on earth. I am always needing to nap or carefully plan my day.

CLAIRVOYANCE:  If you have a psychic gift, you are probably a Highly Sensitive Person.

But hey, I am different. I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), as I suspect many of you are who get these posts.

Sensitive types pick up more from their environment, which uses more energy. We have many more neurological receptors, thus, we make excellent intuitives.

Here is an article on why HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) need more sleep.

I hope this answers some questions for those of you who are HSPs or those of you who have to deal with them. Now you will understand why you need so much down time.

CLAIRVOYANCE:  Is not an easy path in life.  You have to understand and properly care for yourself.  Others may not understand you.  But if you do, then it makes the ride easier.

Love & blessings,

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