WORDS OF WISDOM: The Wise Wonder of Want

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WORDS OF WISDOM:  The Wise Wonder of Want

WANT vs. WISH vs. NEED: How to tap into inner wisdom. We all have it. Conundrum is how to find it.

You access your inner wisdom by paying attention to how you feel. Your feelings are your portal to your soul. When you want something you have found some wise advise for yourself.

Photo: WANT vs. WISH vs. NEED:   The wise wonder of want.  How to tap into inner wisdom.  We all have it.  Conundrum is how to find it.</p>
<p>You access your inner wisdom by paying attention to how you feel.  Your feelings are your portal to your soul.  When you want something you have found some wise advise for yourself.    </p>
<p>Tip:  Watch your inner language.  </p>
<p>Do you feel you NEED something?  That is your ego speaking from fear.  It is a should, not a soul desire.  </p>
<p>Do you feel you WISH for something?  That is your ego saying it is not willing to pay the price to get something.  This is a should, not a soul desire.    </p>
<p>Do you feel you really WANT something?  BINGO.  This is your soul saying you are ready now to have it, will pay the price for it and it truly is on your divine destiny path.</p>
<p>Today watch your inner language to see how you express feelings.  When you say, you want something, you have hit the spiritual juggernaut.  </p>
<p>Follow it and miracles will begin to flow towards you.</p>
<p>God bless.

WORDS OF WISDOM TIP:  Watch your inner language.

Do you feel you NEED something? That is your ego speaking from fear. It is a should, not a soul desire.

Do you feel you WISH for something? That is your ego saying it is not willing to pay the price to get something. This is a should, not a soul desire.

Do you feel you really WANT something? BINGO. This is your soul saying you are ready now to have it, will pay the price for it and it truly is on your divine destiny path.

Today watch your inner language to see how you express feelings. When you say, you want something, you have hit the spiritual juggernaut.

WORDS OF WISDOM:  Follow it and miracles will begin to flow towards you.

God bless.

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