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DEALING WITH LONELINESS.  Ah, now there is a taboo subject.  Loneliness.  We do not even want to acknowledge we feel this way, for the stigma it has.

When I did a Google search on this as a keyword I found very few searches for the word, “loneliness.”  Why?  Because people just don’t want to admit they are lonely if they are.

It is like saying you are undesirable to others, or no one wants you.

How about a different stance?  How about you are simply going through a period of dissociation from self.

It is not personal.

The times in my life when I felt most lonely were not when I was alone, but when I felt disassociated from something or someone larger than myself.

This happened after a tremendous breakup from a love relationship.  It was one of the most painful experiences in my life.

However, during a time in my life when I was technically not alone, when there were people in my life, I actually preferred being alone to being with them.  At this time I felt alive, activated and associated with something much larger than myself.

This was when I started channeling spirit over 30 years ago.

These two conditions I feel have significant keys to the state of being alone versus feeling lonely.  Remember, you can feel lonely in a crowd of people or in a relationship with another.


Love relationships are one of the ways we connect to the spiritual side of our self.  The soul of another is what we use to connect with the feeling of Agape (Ancient Greek ἀγάπη, agápē), “love: the highest form of love or spiritual love.”

When this person leaves us or dies we can often feel disassociated from our self, our soul, because we were using the soul of the other to connect to higher realms, not our own soul.  This is one of the most painful states to be.

The panacea to this is to reconnect with the loving presence inside of us.  This is our soul. 

Here is some brief channeling from the Ones through me, Spirit Medium Laura on what to do if you feel lonely.

Dear Spirit Guides what can an individual do if they feel lonely, lost, alone, afraid and generally sad?

It is the lost, alone and afraid that is the ultimate challenge to address.  The feeling of being lonely is not sad in itself.  It is being lonely without a loving presence that is sad.

You as a human being need to feel love in everything every day.  If you do not feel that presence you feel loneliness.

So it is very important to reconnect with source God on a daily basis.  This means attending to your needs in a surface way.

Start by paying attention to what you need every day.  Then adding it to your routine.

The mere act of paying attention to what you need, connects the ego part of you to the soul part of you.  You begin to feel the presence of another part of you connected to higher realms.  This is your soul.

You will feel this very simple exercise of meeting your own needs will illuminate you to a higher plateau in which the energy of God starts to speak directly to you.

When you pay attention to your feelings and then address them you will find the spirit of higher realms enters you, it paying attention too.

So the first step to not feeling lonely is to pay attention to how you feel, then adding things in to help.

At times we think we feel lonely, a sad alone, but really what we feel is sad.  We feel sad at seeing sadness.

Sadness is a condition only available to those who see it.  Sadness does not live in those who are joyful.

It is important to recognize how joy feels versus sadness, so you can choose it.

Sadness feels down, heavy, alone, lost, afraid.

Joy feels up, excited, enthused, engaged.

Therefore using both concepts here to feel joy or happy means you engage in life.  Find what you love to do and do it now.  The more you take action on what is joyful to you, the more you will find joy is you.

Find joy, be joy.  Joy is there for you if you choose it.

It is a matter of action.

In another channeling we said to act happy and you will be happy.

Now we say to act joyful and you will be joyful.  It is a matter of choice.

Not a matter of circumstances.  Choose to feel associated with self, others and your heart.  You will find loneliness dissipates then.

At times you must choose to be lonely for the sake of growth.  So loneliness is not a bad thing,  It is a catalyst for change in your life so that you can reconnect with your inner compass of what is joyful to you.

When you lose a loved one you need time to reconnect with yourself.

So feeling lonely is a good thing because it is awakening you to the need for association with your inner joy.

Joy is as joy does.


The Ones channeled through Spirit Medium Laura’

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